The role of the Governing Body is to offer a mixture of challenge and support to the school through the powers, responsibilities and duties delegated by the Trust Board as set out in the Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation. Which includes;

1. to carry forward the Trust’s vision in ways that are appropriate to the academy’s status, pupils, staff and community

2. to implement policies, plans and actions to comply with statutory regulations, the Trust’s policies and procedures and the decisions of the Directors

3. to hold to account the academy leadership for the academic performance, the quality of provision and the quality of care

4. to recommend and monitor the Academy Performance Targets and Performance Review

5. to approve and monitor the Academy Development Plan to achieve the approved Academy Performance Targets

6. to oversee the financial governance and operation of the academy to comply with the Trust’s financial regulations, policies and procedures, including proposing and monitoring the academy’s annual budget

7. to oversee the strategic management of staff to comply with statutory regulations, the Trust’s HR regulations, policies and procedures

8. to establish the Local Governing Body Committee structure and to regulate their proceedings

As part of the role it is useful for the Governing Body to receive feedback from stakeholders, including parents, and we would be happy to hear from you.

Please note that in accordance with the school’s Complaints Policy, the Governing Body will only deal with issues that remain unresolved following direct contact with the school. All parents are therefore encouraged to approach the school in the first instance. Please contact the Governing Body via the School Office.

Our Governors come from a range of backgrounds bringing valuable resources to support the school. If you would like to know more about the role or are interested in joining the Governing Body please contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Paul Jay, via the school office.


Ian Goodchild - Chair of Governors

Having been a Governor at Abbots Green for four and a half years, I was honoured to be asked to step into the role of Chair of Governors to lead an excellent governing team, as we support and challenge the school through the next phase of its journey.

The role of Governor is often referred to as a 'critical friend' and my role is to provide constructive criticism to help the school be the best it can be. I have two children at the school who have benefited significantly from the school culture, which is inclusive and nurtures independent learning - I will do what I can to ensure Abbots Green retains this positive, aspirational attitude and never stops striving for improvement.  I am particularly proud of how the school successfully navigated the pandemic and recently received a pleasing Ofsted inspection rating.

My background is in Investment Management and Financial Planning where I have over 21 years' experience working for large and small businesses in senior management roles. Using this experience, I particularly assist the school with strategic planning, operational management, and financial oversight. 

You can contact me via the school office or by email at

Jo Moore - Vice Chair

I have been a governor at Abbots Green for 6 years. Currently, I am vice chair and safeguarding governor. I also sit on the curriculum working group. I am committed to supporting the school's progression and the continuing provision of an engaging and inclusive learning environment.

My son attended Abbots Green. I work at a local secondary school in an administrative capacity. 

Current Governors
Name Category of Governor First Appointed  Term of office Expires Responsibilities   Sub Committees  Pecuniary Interests Membership of another Governing boby Any Relationships with Staff Meetings Attended 2019/20
Ian Goodchild Trust


(continuous Governor

since May-19)


Chair of Governors


Jo Moore Trust


(continous Governor

since Feb-14)

Feb-22 Vice Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Curriculum - Chair      None 6/6
Ang Morrison Headteacher Jun-17         Langer Primary School  None 6/6
Jenna Duncan Parent Jan-20 Jan-24 SEND       None 2/3
Laura Silk Parent Feb -24 Feb-28     None
Lauren Marlow Associate Feb-24 Feb-28 Evergreen Nursery None
Natalie Punchard Trust Feb-20 Jan-24         None 3/3
Chris Timm Parent Feb-22 Feb-26 None
Laura Arfi Staff Dec-20 Dec-24 None
Joe Pointon Community Oct -23 Oct -27
Ruth Goodchild Clerk              None  
Previous Governors
Name Category of Governor First Appointed  Term of office Ended Responsibilities   Sub Committees  Pecuniary Interests Membership of another Governing boby Any Relationships with Staff Meetings Attended 2019/20
Joe Benford Trust Feb-17 Jul-20 EYFS, Health and Safety. Resources     None 4/5
Jane Bunton Staff Dec-19 Sep-20   Curriculum       None 2/5
Megan Loane Staff Dec-20 Oct-21 None
Jim Cleever  Trust Apr-18 Jun-20   Curriculum     Wells Hall Primary School None 4/5
Adrian Jordan Trust Jan-18 Jan-22
Trinica King  Community Sept-20 March-22
Paul Jay Trust


(continuous Governor

since Jan-08)


Chair of Governors,

Governor Training

Head Teacher

Performance Review

Wife works at Sebert

Wood Primary School

Sybil Andrews Academy None 6/6